Taiwan driver William Jiang!
Broken the track record of former GP driver in Lihpao

Thanks to the efforts of people to help themselves, William Jiang took Libao's fastest lap throne with an official time of 1:44.004 in the afternoon. Not only did he beat Qiu Mingxian, it was even faster than Anthony West's 1:44.021. Second to Mike Jones's 1:42.102.

However, the track record of Anthony West and Mike Jones at the time was that Lihpao had not yet established an official timer, so William Jiang was the fastest lap officially recognized at this stage. But William Jiang said that after also training at the California Racing School, Mike Jones was still a goal he tried to surpass. From the perspective of this process, no matter who is the fastest lap, it proves that Taiwanese drivers are capable of breaking through to the limit.

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